いしかわかるた ISHIKAWA KARUTA(Japanese card play)
How to play and the meaning of the card are described below
問合せ:石心 igosekishin1088@gmail.com 076-243-1088
How to play Ishikawa Karuta and about Ishikawa Karuta
We would like to introduce Ishikawa Prefecture to your families and acquaintance as a souvenir by using Japanese card game “Ishikawa Karuta”.
① What is the Karuta?
The Karuta is one of the Japanese traditional plays/card games. It is used to be primarily played when the family or relatives gather in the new year.
② How to play in Japanese way
First, arrange the cards in pieces on the floor or table.
Next, players get ready to listen. After that, a person starts reading the reading card and players look for the card of picture which is same word as readings.
Compete who can touch the card first, player who touch first can get the card which is read. In the end, a player who gets the card most is winner.
③ For people who cannot understand Japanese
This Karuta is made and drawn about sightseeing spots, food culture, Ishikawa tradition, customs, great men, etc. Even if you cannot enjoy playing Karuta in Japanese way, we would be so happy if you remember about what you ate and where you visited in Ishikawa Prefecture by looking at the cards in commemoration your visit to Ishikawa.
④ How to read the description (explanatory text or manual)
The description says thatあ=A. Please compare the letter of the card with the picture and the letter of the explanation.
⑤ The shape of green drawn on card case is the shape of Ishikawa Prefecture.
Thank you.